3 Savvy Tips To Prevent High Heel Pain & Be Race-Ready This Spring Racing Carnival


Spring has finally sprung and we all know that means - it's time to dial up the fashion stakes! 

It goes without saying chic stilettos are a trackside must-have. Sandals, pumps, mules, and sling-backs (think monochrome or metallic hues) make the southern end of your outfit a statement of sophistication. 

But even amid a Champagne-filled bubble, the 'ball-ache' that sets upon your feet from hours of standing can be enough to make you commit a Race Day faux pas!  

However, all is not disarray, because, with these tips and tricks we've pulled together just for you, we ensure that you too can have the Gisele grace that lasts from morning to midnight while protecting your feet so you can still walk without grimacing the next day.    

Let us show you how:


We said Gisele, not Gazelle.

Avoid that baby gazelle wobble by choosing a heel height that doesn't require you to bend your knees to accommodate for the unwarranted heel height. Everyone has a maximum height of heel before their ankles and knees have to compensate. The Emily Braidwood research identifies that the more your legs and feet need to work to stabilise your pins, the more quickly party-stopping pain will arise. So when you are trying on stilettos, take a look at yourself in the mirror to ensure your ankles aren't rolling outwards and ensure that you can comfortably straighten your knees when standing and walking. 

The Golden Slipper

A Cinderella-eque stiletto is the ultimate fairytale shoe story. We all search for it, but rarely find that perfect on-trend gem that fits like a glove, is the perfect heel height and colour, AND feels like a dream. {Our bonus tip #1? If you find it.... buy one in every colour!}

In reality, stylistic license usually trumps fit and function, making it difficult to find a staple piece that ticks all the boxes. Knowing your feet (actual size and width), heel height boundaries and trouble spots (boney prominences and commonly rubbed areas) can make ruling shoes in or out a far less painful task for your feet and your purse.

Most of us have one foot slightly bigger and/or wider than the other, so dressing the larger foot is first and foremost. Natural materials (like soft leather or suede) may have some room for error for a wide foot, however seams, or materials such as patent leather or synthetic, will prevent a shoe from stretching. The golden rule? A snug not tight fit is best, ensuring all parts of the foot is carried by the sole of the shoe (yep, no foot overhang ladies).  

Symptoms to look out for? Sharp, shooting pain (plus or minus numbness) are definitely not the norm and usually indicate the shoe is too tight or ill-fitting. Rubbing and hotspots on the backs of heels and toes are common areas and indicate the bony prominence is not contouring into the shoe appropriately. Heel grips will take the pressure off heel hotspots, and undertaking regular toe stretches along with the retrofit of an EB footbed (see winning odds) can really help the toes to relax.  

Our bonus tip #2? Trial your chosen shoe (at home) a week before the big day for at least half an hour, flagging any problem areas so that you can do so preparatory work where needed.

Winning Odds

The Emily Braidwood footbeds ('insoles') have been dubbed "the ultimate fashion accessory" and "total game-changers" by some of the fashion's elite. Scientifically designed to accompany any style and height of high heel, the Emily Braidwood footbeds are uniquely designed to focus the support on the outside of the foot. 

Say WHAAAT? Don't you need support on the inside arch of the foot? 

As it turns out, in a heel more than 4cm high, 8/10 women's feet roll outwards (not inwards as per popular belief) and therefore adding arch support insoles makes the foot more unstable, and you guessed it, thus creating more pain! Instead, Emily Braidwood have discovered that stabilising the outside ankle with specialised engineering within the insole significantly reduces muscle fatigue and subsequent pain. BOOM!! And for the other 2/10 women who roll inwards? The unique Emily Braidwood design has snuck in just enough arch support to prevent the foot from rolling in. Viola!!  

Well ahead of the 'insole' pack sporting revolutionary designs, high-end materials and a backed by a decade of cutting-edge research, the EB footbeds are transferable across your entire heel-drobe so you can regain your youthful party stamina, from morning to midnight. 

So there you have it, ladies. If you want to slay Fashions on the Field but don't want to risk months of wearing sensible flats for the privilege - apply these simple tips and tricks to ensure the ultimate foot comfort and longevity. 

Because why choose between comfort and style when you can have both? 


3 Very Uncomfortable Reasons Why You Need To Look After Your Feet.


The Ultimate Guide To Getting Back Into Heels Post Lockdown