Insoles for Plantar Fasciitis.
Wake up without pain.
Think you might have plantar fasciitis?
A) Suffer with pain in your heel or arch when getting out of bed in the morning and after periods of rest? Is your pain more evident when your heel comes off the ground with walking?
It’s likely you have plantar fasciitis.
B) Suffer with pain in your heel when you’re barefoot, wearing hard-soled shoes and at the end of the day? Is your pain more evident when weight is on your heel bone? It’s likely you have a heel spur +/- fat pad syndrome.
C) All of the above.
A major pain in the arch.
The plantar fascia as a thick fibrous band of soft tissue that runs under the arch of the foot, from the heel bone to the ball of the foot. Its job is to elongate and contract, much like a rubber band, to prevent collapse of the bones of the foot and provide a spring-like mechanism during movement.
Inflammation of the plantar fascia occurs when excessive strain or load is acutely enforced on plantar fascia, or more commonly, repetitive micro-strain occurs.
Can’t stand (on) it.
A heel spur (aka enthesopathy) is a calcium deposit protruding from under the heel bone. Heel spurs can be large or small and often cause no symptoms until the spur is stirred up, causing inflammation and/or bone bruising at the point of the spur.
The fat pad is the spongy cushioning system under the heel. As the natural fat pad deflates or the spur penetrates the fat pad, inflammation of the fat pad can occur.
Two Essential Steps:
1. Before stepping up from rest, roll your arch over a tennis ball
2. Before stepping up from rest, do seated calf raises x 10
3. Use a frozen water bottle to massage the arch area and rest your heel over a covered ice pack
4. Do calf muscle stretches throughout the day - knee straight and knee bent
1) Avoid dead-flat, unsupportive, hard soled and / or slip on shoes
2) The EB FLATS innersoles have unique engineering that supports the plantar fascia and facilitates its optimal function to allow for healing to occur. Additionally, our heel donut offloads the heel spur area to minimise pressure and bruising of the spur. Simply add the EB footbeds into all styles of shoes.
“My plantar fasciitis resolved two weeks after wearing these in my shoes and my performance has had a marked improvement!”
– Angie Taggart, Cross Fitter & Lawyer