The fashionable flat shoe science.
Ladies, it’s not just high heels that wreak havoc with your feet. Fashionable flats can be just as troublesome as their high heel counterparts, albeit a slower, quieter fate.
Yep, each time you wear a ballet flat, slide, street-style sneaker or sandal, your toes grip on for dear life. Your arches are working overtime and the lack of heel elevation is messing with your posture. That’s right, there is such a thing as too flat! Not only that, stiff soles cause bruising of the heel and prevent forward momentum, whilst soft, barely-there soles lack shock absorption & stability.
Unlike the sports shoe industry, fashion is all about the aesthetic. So engineering and comfort barely register during the design and manufacturing process.
The good news? We have all the engineering you need to retro-fit your beauties with the comfort and support you need, without compromising shoe space or style!
Our top tips for buying fashionable flats.
Heel Height.
We recommend a heel elevation of 8-30mm to give you the best tilt forwards and take the strain off the foot and leg muscles.
Happy Strappy.
The better the shoe holds itself on, the better for your feet. So if you can’t be in a boot or lace up, choose a shoe with straps that cover the foot and anchor around the ankle.
Sole Saver.
Choose a rubber sole rather than a leather or wood sole. Does it bend nicely at the ball of the foot? You have yourself a winner!